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Monday, 8 January 2018

The Rules healthy couples keep

These days couples take a lot for granted.That is why the rate of divorce has skyrocketed. Side chicks are everywhere luring men knowing that just few  can escape from their traps. Baby mamas are everywhere slaying and having children for wealthy boys who will always appreciate and reward them with lifetime lively hood.If couples should adhere to some rules,genuine relationships will be reborn.Here are some of the things healthy couples should always be able to do together.
1. Feel safe and secure with one another. Healthy couples should always find comfort and security in one another. Smile and rejoice if you manage to feel safe and secure in the arms of your partner. You are able to really enjoy the benefits of your relationship without having to worry about your nonexistent insecurities.
2. Go shopping with one another. Shopping may seem like such a dull and mundane activity for a lot of men; but this all becomes moot when it comes to someone you love. In fact, substitute shopping for any activity that might bore either one of you. You should strive for a relationship where neither of you care about what you’re doing so as long as you’re doing it together.
3. Have fun with one another. This may seem obvious but it still needs to be said. You should always be able to have fun with one another. When you fall in love and get into a relationship, you risk becoming complacent with how you love one another. Having fun together on a consistent basis can be good for the dynamics of your relationship.
4. Be completely open and honest with one another. You both should always be able to open up to one another about what you feel on the inside. You should feel safe about honestly expressing yourself .Talk to me,are their other points missing,let us know as you comment.

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